Announcement: the next cohort is now open for enrollment…
… but only until Sunday, October 16, 2022 – so secure your spot now!

Become a SuperLearner 
in Just 4 Weeks…

…so that you can tap into your hidden potential and uplevel your life! 

(Whether that means getting into the Dean’s list… advancing in your dream career… starting and growing your own business… or another goal on your list!)
Ready to join the ranks of the world’s SuperLearners?

Why Join Discover Your Inner SuperLearner?

This 4-week accelerated learning adventure will empower you to supercharge your learning skills, so you can learn anything fast, fun, and easy – and keep up in an information-overloaded world.

This course is for you if…

  • You think you are a "slow learner" or that you are "not a creative person."
  • ​You constantly feel scattered, unfocused, overwhelmed or just plain bored.
  • ​You struggle with making plans/decisions and actually following through.
  • ​You purchase books and courses and almost never finish them.
  • ​You know you have a lot more potential inside you, and you’re just not sure what’s holding you back.
And here’s exactly what you’ll discover when you join…

What you’ll discover

Your Unique Brain and How to Partner with it Effectively

Ever feel like it's you vs you? Your brain doesn’t always know what’s best, because it’s #1 goal is to protect you from every conceivable risk. Unfortunately, that will also keep you playing small your entire life. It’s time to “partner” with your brain in a new way.

How to Make Learning AND Remembering Anything Fast, Fun, and Easy

Learning does not have to be a "hit head on desk and repeat" process. It can and should be an adventure. In this program, you’ll discover a whole new approach.

How to Coach Yourself (and Others!) to Maximize Clarity

The most important questions can't be Googled. The good news is, no one can answer them better than you.

Systematize your Success

Become the scientist in the laboratory of your life and design your own strategies… strategies that actually work. (This even works for artists and other creatives.)

What Our Rockstar SuperLearners Are Saying…

Are you ready to become our next Rockstar SuperLearner?

Your Opportunity to Work With
Expert SuperLearner Coaches

Working 1-on-1 with one with a SuperLearner coach costs over $200/hr. Hiring a team of coaches, for unlimited support, for an entire month would cost $20,000+!
However, when you join Discover your Inner SuperLearner, you have the opportunity to get a month of practically unlimited support from 5 of our top SuperLearner coaches – for only $1479!
Every week, on top of the 2 live SuperLearning training sessions, you’ll meet with your designated coach and a small group of your peers, AND you can also hop into live office hours (available up to 10 hours per week) for additional support... not to mention unlimited communication in the course platform.
Want to know who these coaches are?

Meet your Team of SuperLearner Coaches

Collin Jewett - SuperLearner Head Coach

Collin hated school growing up. He was brutally rejected at job fairs, failed tests, often felt stupid, and even cried in front of his guidance counselor. 
But once he discovered how to effectively partner with his brain, he joined the Dean's list, landed a senior engineering position out of college, and went on to become the director of coaching for SuperHuman Academy.
Since then, he has written two books on learning and lifestyle design, helped executives, psychologists, and nuclear engineers become learning experts, married the love of his life, and embraced life in the mountains of Colorado. He is on a mission to share the love and joy of learning with as many people as possible and ultimately transform the education system.

Dylan Peterson - SuperLearner Coach

As a former "barely-fulltime gas station cashier," Dylan is the Hero's Journey incarnate. 
Using the SuperLearning skillset, Dylan has read hundreds of books and acquired professional certifications that led him to building a successful IT business, TechEase.
When he’s not running TechEase, negotiating real estate transactions, or being the World's Best Dad to his four kids, Dylan is coaching others to achieve the impossible.

Luke Herman - SuperLearner Coach

Luke is an enthusiastic go-getter who used his SuperLearning skillset to acquire tens of thousands in scholarships during his college career. 
During his time at Missouri State University, he double majored in Entrepreneurship and International Business Administration, together with a certificate in Recording Arts – all while juggling other extracurriculars, such as representing Hallmark as a Brand Advocate!

He’s passionate about helping others become who they are called to be. And in this program, he’s going to support you on your journey to becoming your best self.

Daniel Lathen - SuperLearner Coach

Daniel is a neuroscientist who’s currently working on his Ph.D. in Neuroscience. He knows that with the right help, your brain has incredible abilities to change. 

Daniel will help you master and optimize your brain through brain coaching, and he has the experience and brain know-how to help you change your life!

Andrea Szabo Ph.D. - SuperLearner Coach

Andrea is a Medical Doctor and Ph.D. in Medical sciences, Bowen Therapist, Yoga Instructor, Neuroscience Researcher, Pharmacology Professor, tenured leader of a 300+ person medical team, and experienced Learning and Productivity Coach.
Andrea's clients praise her wealth of knowledge and hands-on, results-oriented approach to coaching.
If you think you are beyond help, you haven't worked with Andrea yet.

These SuperLeaner coaches will help you…

  • Eliminate information overload – so you can keep up with the ever-growing flood of new data…
  • Tap into limitless creativity and reignite curiosity and wonder, so you can create new opportunities for yourself AND enjoy more success in your life.)...
  • ​Switch your brain state for the task at hand and “get in the zone” – so that no shiny object can rob you of your precious time ever again...
  • Apply advanced learning and memory techniques to any area of your life. (Including Sherlock Holmes’s Memory Palace technique!)...
  • ​Design an effective and personalized approach to overcoming any learning challenge…
  • Remember literally anything (and not just temporarily, but for the long term)...
  • ​Reframe any challenge as a learning challenge – so you won’t need to overthink it or stress out over it…
  • ​…and much more!
Just keep in mind that doors close on October 16, 2022, so if you want to take advantage of this opportunity…
… secure your spot now!

Your 4-Week Path to Becoming a SuperLearner

Week 1, Session 1: Learning in Context

Life is learning, but learning as a skill is just one piece of the puzzle. In order to make the most of that invaluable skill, we need to understand how it contributes to getting meaningful results in any area of life. Enter The Results Formula: life-changing framework and context of this course.


More than a pithy saying, you will systematically design the unique results you will achieve from this course, from the very start, with the help of world-class coaches. No two people have the same goals or the same path to reach them; you will find no "cookie-cutters" here.

Week 2, Session 1: There is No Failure, Only Feedback

The difference between those who achieve mind-boggling success and those who don't comes down to one critical practice: self-experimentation. You will become the scientist in your own laboratory of life; you will become the world's leading expert on what works for you.

Week 2, Session 2: Your Brain

Not my brain, not just the brain (though we'll talk about that too), but your brain. What good are fancy "guru-approved" strategies that worked wonders for the guru, if they don't work for you?! There is no magic pill for learning faster or making better decisions. It all depends on your brain.

Week 3, Session 1: Too Tired to Sleep, Too Busy to Plan

Tired? Restless? Overwhelmed? Bored? Busy? Clutter-brained? Butter-crained? That's no way to learn – heck, that's no way to live! We've all been there. Thankfully, you don't have to stay there. It's not about time boxing, pomodoro timers, or a new planner either. We’ll show you what really works, long term.

Week 3, Session 2: Rediscover the Genius of Children

Curiosity is the secret weapon of children. You will rediscover your curiosity and the wonder and unlimited creative power that comes with it. Writer's block and boredom will become 100% solved for you.

Week 4, Session 1: More than Memory Palaces

Have you ever heard of memory palaces? They’re those cool imaginary buildings that Sherlock Holmes created in his mind to store detailed memories – and every memory athletes use this technique without exception. But to unlock your unlimited memory and infinite learning potential, you’ll want to integrate other foundational memory techniques to make your Memory Palaces more effective and efficient.

Week 4, Session 2: The Personal Learning System: The Holy Grail of Personal Growth and Achievement

You already have a personal learning system, whether you realize it or not. Now, we’re going to upgrade it.

Bonuses Designed to Help You Succeed…

Now, aside from the 2x per week group sessions, bonus sessions, and office hours…
… you’ll also get access to bonus content, including: 
  • The Results Formula Cheat Sheet (with a guided walkthrough video series)...
  • ​How to redefine success and overcome perfectionism…
  • ​The basics of goal setting and goal pursuit…
  • ​Beyond SMART goals: the often missed components of effective goal setting and why the SMART framework isn’t always enough...
  • ​How to use Fear Setting to stop fear from sabotaging your success…
  • ​A quick video series on better sleep (so your brain can help you do your best work)…
  • ​The myths, legends, and reality of biohacking…
  • ​Baseline memory assessment…
  • ​Memory Palace mastery…
  • ​Mind mapping techniques for better memory…
  • ​How to create an effective personal learning system…
  • ​Level Up You Calendar → Level Up Your Life…
  • ​… and so much more!
These bonuses are designed to help you break through any roadblocks, so you can get the most from the program and join the ranks of the world’s SuperLearners.
And if you want to see what’s possible for you after you finish this program…
Check out the video below to hear stories from our students!

Success Stories from Our Students

Learning is Better When We’re Together!

Active learning, not passive watching

You will design your own path through the course, with the help of your coaches, and practice the skills LIVE. 
After all, this program is focused on taking meaningful action and learning through real-world experiences.

Learn with a cohort of peers

There is a reason the Alumni Community has continued to hold weekly calls long after the cohort officially ended. 
These are more than fellow students, they are friends and team-mates.

Are you ready to become our next Rockstar SuperLearner?

Frequently Asked Questions

When do classes start?
Classes start on October 24, 2022 and will run until November 18, 2022.
How many hours/week should I expect to commit to the course?
We posed this question to our students and responses ranged from 4 to 15 hours per week, but we think this response sums it up nicely: "The course provides a huge and colorful playground. You can spend as much or as little time on as you want (and the more you do and deeper you go, the more you get out of it.)"
Who is teaching this course? 
This course will primarily be taught by Collin Jewett, our #1 SuperLearner Certified Coach and head of our coaching program. Collin has hundreds upon hundreds of hours of experience working with SuperLearner students, and is consistently our highest-rated coach.

Additionally, breakout sessions and special guest lectures will be conducted by other Certified Coaches, all of whom have been personally trained by Jonathan Levi, the founder of SuperHuman Academy.
When are the live calls?
We send out surveys before the cohort launches to determine optimal call times. For example, a past group had 18 hours of live calls per week. (Led by different coaches.) They were spread out to accommodate people all over the world with different schedules.
Will the calls be recorded?
Yes. It's definitely preferable to attend live, but they will be recorded and shared with notes within 24 hours of recording.
I’ve already started / taken _______ – is this still a good fit for me?
This course is a good fit for anyone who is looking to “up their learning game.” Sure, if you’ve already completed The SuperLearner MasterClass and implemented everything 100% to your satisfaction, some of the content will be a review for you. 

However, the majority of the content is 100% new and has never been taught before outside of high-priced private coaching sessions – so you will no doubt learn plenty! 

Additionally, the community and social aspects of the course are a major part of the value, as it means you’ll always learn something new by learning with and from your peers.
Are there payment plans available?
Yes! We offer 4 monthly payments of $397.
What’s included in the course?
The course includes:
- Twice-weekly large group training sessions on advanced SuperLearning skills
- Weekly small group coaching sessions with your designated coach
- Daily office hours where you can get your questions answered by an expert
- Lifetime access to a growing library of exclusive resources
- Lifetime membership to an alumni community of your peers
- Qualification for admission into a future, invite-only course on speed reading
- An exclusive live meet-and-greet and Q&A with Jonathan Levi
- And much more!
Will I have access to the content and community after the program ends?
Yes and yes. There’s a massive, growing library of content (including call recordings from your cohort), and you’ll have lifetime access. Many students consider the live cohort to be just the beginning. There is also an amazing alumni network that still has weekly calls.
Will I be able to expense this to my company?
This is up to the company, but many do. Many of our students have received promotions within just a few weeks of applying the concepts taught in this course. 
The business benefits of mastering focus, learning, experimentation, organization, and planning become tangible very quickly.
How many spots are available?
In total, we’ve opened up 50 spots.
What is the refund policy?
You can get a 100% refund, no-questions-asked, up to 10 days from the official start of the cohort. This means you will be able to go through all of the onboarding process AND have 10 days to attend calls and view ALL the course content before making a decision. (All content is available on day 1.)
Does this course cover speed reading?
Not directly. However, the skills taught in this course are foundational to effective speed reading and all of the instructors are speed reading coaches.

We will be launching a speed reading course on Maven soon, and Discover Your Inner SuperLearner will be a prerequisite to join.

The Best Time To Start Is NOW

We’ve already helped 300,000+ people across the entire globe – including engineers, students, yoga teachers, doctors, lawyers, pilots, entrepreneurs, and more – to supercharge their learning so that they can discover new possibilities and live the lives they were meant to live.
Now, we’d love to help you become a SuperLearner, too. 
In this program, we aren’t just going to coach you to get the results you want.
We’re also going to show you how to coach yourself – so that you can always rely on yourself, design your own strategies, and get amazing, life-changing results.
Plus, by the end of our 4 weeks together…
You’ll be able to learn ANYTHING that you want to learn, memorize it, and pave your own path in life – whether that means excelling in your studies… advancement in your career… or building a business empire.
Our next group starts on October 24, so you have until Sunday, October 16 to join us...
So click the button below to secure your spot now.

Secure your spot now to become SuperLearner

See you inside? :-)

Collin Jewett

Head Coach of SuperHuman Academy


At SuperHuman Academy®, our #1 priority is getting you the results you desire - and deserve. Your satisfaction is really important to us.
If, for any reason, you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, just drop us an email within 10 days.
We'll refund every single penny of your money - no ifs, ands, or buts. 







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